Keren M Abberton ASSCR, AGCTS, ISCT ANZ and Friends Joint Scientific Conference 2019

Keren M Abberton

Keren Abberton (M. Rep. Sci. PhD) is the Scientific Project Officer for the Cord Blood Research Group at MCRI, working towards creating iPSC lines from cord blood and overseeing ethics and governance for research at the BDMI cord blood bank. She received her PhD at Monash (2000) and completed a postdoc at the University of Rochester New York before joining the O’Brien Institute in 2002. Her work has included the fields of arterio- and angiogenesis, tissue engineering, stem cells research, corneal tissue regeneration, extracellular matrix biology, and developing biomaterials. She became Group Leader of the Adipose Tissue Engineering group in 2008 until leaving in 2015 and is an Honorary Senior Research Fellow at the University of Melbourne (Surgery and Paediatrics) and was a Clinical Associate Professor at the ACU (Health Sciences). She has extensive experience serving on animal ethics and Institutional Biosafety committees as well as GCP and GMP training.

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